Diana's Music

My music preference is all over the place, with not just one artist although having a more stronger preferance towards some artists.Music is something that is very important in my life as it helps me through alot,as it does for many other across the world, it is something that brings us together and helps.

Halsey album Manic

This is the album cover from the album "Manic" by Halsey she is a singer and songwriter that makse great music and is an awesome person outside her proffesion, She is a strong woman who although has gone through many hardships still manages to get through and let those feelings out through music.
Rubber Soul The Beatles This is the Album Cover "Rubber Soul" from the Beatles, although it is very hard to choose a favorite Beatles album, this is one of my favorites since I really love the acoustics the Artists(George, Ringo, Paul, and John use. As well as complementing it with their messages of life through this album, one of My favorites songs from this album is "In My Life"a short yet impactful song Click the text to hear it on youtube:)
The rose
The Rose is a great band their genre is Indie type music I really love This band because they give their fans beautiful songs that people can relate,that are going through hard times and their vocals are beautiful and unique with their own unique vocal styles they are a really great band. mots 7
finally one of my favorite artist is Bangtan Sonyeondan with a variety of genres, origianlly hip hop but evolving over the years, they send out one of the most needed messages out there for the world and the world of our youth which is the message to "love ourselves" something simple to say but sometimes hard to carry out throughout our entire lives, and the connection they have towards their fans shows how they care for them and wants them to be successful as well. This is the cover for their new upcoming album coming out February 21st in which they have already released Shadow, Blackswan, and Ego